Key Stage 3


'Key concepts': 1.4 Collaboration - sharing developments and common understanding across disciplines, noting that scientific investigation is predominantly undertaken by groups of scientists with different specialisms working in collaboration with each other.

Q: How many different kinds of scientists do we have in our expedition team aboard the ship, and what kinds of scientists are they?

'3.3 Organisms, behaviour and health': all living things show variation, can be classified and are interdependent, interacting with each other and the environment.

Q: What kinds of animals live in the deep ocean, and how do they interact with their environment?

'3.4 The environment, Earth and Universe': geological activity is caused by chemical and physical processes.

Q: Where in the world are undersea volcanoes, and what creates them?

'Curriculum opportunities': pursue an independent enquiry into an aspect of science of personal interest; use real-life examples as a basis for finding out about science; study science in global context; experience science outside the school environment.

Plenty of opportunities here for pupils to produce posters or projects about deep-sea vents, undersea volcanoes, deep-diving robot submarines, deep-sea creatures etc! And we're always happy to answer their questions - please use the form on the Schools main page to send questions to us.

Other curriculum links

Primary curriculum: scientific knowledge and technological understanding

Key Stage 4: 'Science'

GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics

A-level Biology, Chemistry, Physics


Find out more about the Cayman Trough, undersea volcanoes, deep-sea vents,
and the inhabitants of the abyss.
What are we investigating?


Take a tour of our research ship and our undersea vehicles, sensors and systems for exploring the ocean floor.
What are we using?


Meet the people aboard the ship: biologists and geologists, professors and students, engineers and mariners.
Who are we?