Key Stage 4
'Organisms and health': organisms are interdependent and adapted to their environments; variation within a species can lead to evolutionary changes and similarities between species can be measured and classified.
When we encounter an animal at a depth of more than two miles in the ocean, there is a 50-50 chance that it will be a new species that no-one has seen before. But how can we tell that it is a new species? How would you recognise a new species, and what would you call it? Can you imagine a new deep-sea species - what adaptations might it have to its environment?
'Environment, Earth and Universe': the surface of the Earth has changed since the Earth's origin and is changing at present.
How do the chains of undersea volcanoes at mid-ocean ridges shape our world? How are the plates of the Earth's crust moving relative to each other? What are mid-ocean ridges, and what role do they play in the movement of those plates?
Other curriculum links
Primary curriculum: scientific knowledge and technological understanding
Expedition diary
Check out our regular reports on the progress of the expedition, and what we're finding on the ocean floor.
What's happening aboard?
Expedition team
Meet the scientists exploring deep-sea vents in the Indian Ocean aboard the research ship RRS James Cook.
Who are we?