About these pages

The contents of these webpages express the personal views and opinions of their contributors, and do not represent those of the institutions that employ them, the funding agencies that support their research, or the organisations that operate the research ships used in expeditions.

The layout of these pages is based on an original design by Giant Peach.

The pages are hosted by internet service provider 1and1.co.uk

Jon Copley created and maintains these webpages, to share research in which he is involved with wider public audiences, and support for hosting them is provided by SciConnect Ltd.

Since going live in late March 2010, thesearethevoyages.net has received visitors from at least 90 countries; for comparison, the entire population of our home city of Southampton is ~240000 :)

Expedition diary

Check out our regular reports on the progress of the voyage, and what we're finding on the ocean floor.
What's happening aboard?